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Get into gear, Stilton

Geronimo Stilton

user Rituraj Narzary

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₹ 200.00

₹ 295.00

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Geronimo Stilton meets with an accident and then he goes to the hospital and when the doctor finishes bandaging he goes to his office and there he meets the Mayor of the city. The mayor asks him to give a demonstration after a week. But his driving license has expired and he has only one week to relearn everything.

Publisher: Scholastic | ISBN:9780545481946
Good | Delivery | Guwahati


Get into gear, Stilton

Geronimo Stilton meets with an accident and then he goes to the hospital and when the doctor finishes bandaging he goes to his office and there he meets the Mayor of the city. The mayor asks him to give a demonstration after a week. But his driving license has expired and he has only one week to relearn everything.

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